The Germany Scholarship is an opportunity that offers talented and committed students the chance to concentrate fully on their studies without having to worry about financial worries. Thanks to the commitment of the Hochschulstadtverein Straubing, Emma Beadle and her fellow scholarship holder Lena Schuster (who was unfortunately not present that evening) can now continue their academic careers with additional support. The Hochschulstadtverein is actively committed to supporting talented students and making this important contribution to the education and future of young people.
For more than ten years, young talents throughout Germany have been supported by the Deutschlandstipendium. At TUM alone, more than 8,800 students have received both financial and non-material support since then. Behind this number are just as many young people with different paths in life.
If students are accepted onto the Deutschlandstipendium programme, they receive 300 euros per month. Half of the scholarship is funded by the federal government, while the other half is financed by a sponsor from industry or the private sector. As a rule, scholarship holders also receive valuable contact with sponsors as part of a non-material sponsorship programme.