The building is accessible via a ramp.
The disabled toilets are located on the ground floor.
All floors can be reached via a lift.
The building is accessible via a ramp.
The disabled toilets are located on the ground floor.
All floors can be reached via lifts.
The practical and research laboratories are equipped with a wheelchair-accessible safety workbench.
There is a guidance system for the blind in and in front of the building.
The disabled toilets are located on the ground floor.
All floors can be reached via a lift.
Both buildings are accessible at ground level through the foyer of Schulgasse 22.
The disabled toilets are located on the ground floor of Schulgasse 22 near the mensa.
All floors can be reached via lift.
The branch library is accessible at ground level via the foyer of Schulgasse 22 through Petersgasse 18 by the refectory. The library staff will open the entrance when the bell is pressed.
All floors are accessible via a lift.