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Award for new approaches to heavy rain prevention

Prof. Thielen and Dr. Boeckmann receive prestigious prize

Prof. Goerg receives Teaching Excellence Award 2023

Student counsil presents award during lecture

Around 160 new Master’s students in Straubing

At the start of lectures in summer semester 2024 at TUM Campus Straubing

A pioneer of industrial design visits Straubing

Renowned guest professor visits TUM Campus Straubing

The somewhat different lecture

Students from TUMCS travel to Ghana

A week in the spirit of the bioeconomy

EU Action Week: Several events at the TUM Campus Straubing

Mensateria and Cafeteria closed

During the lecture-free period, the university catering is closed as follows:
Mensa: from 19 August to 1 September 2024
Cafeteria US53: from 5 August to 18. August 2024 and from 2 September to 29 September 2024

TUM Campus Straubing

ERC-“Proof of Concept” Grant for Prof. Costa

Prof. Rubén D. Costa is honored to be supported by the European Research Council (ERC) to realize the Proof of Concept (PoC) project CERES – Crop Efficient Red Emitting Sources. This generous funding will allow Prof. Costas Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials to explore new avenues of our multidisciplinary research portfolio supported by ERC-Co InOutBioLight.

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Award for new approaches to municipal flood mitigation

The two researchers Prof. Clemens Thielen from the Professorship of Complex Networks at HSWT on the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) and Dr. Jan Boeckmann were awarded the EURO Prize for OR for the Common Good 2024 by the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) at the beginning of July for the research article resulting from their project on heavy rainfall prevention.

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Super Unconventional Emitters and Device Mechanism Workshop last week!

Ken Albrecht, Andrew Monkman and I – U. Kyushu, U. Durham, and TUM Campus Straubing –have organized an international workshop on unconventional emitters and device mechanism covering TADF, chiral, protein and radical emitters applied to lighting, lasers, and photovoltaic surrounded by fresh spectroscopic, machine learning, and theoretical methodologies

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Visionary ideas and solutions for CO2 and nitrogen valorization

On June 11th, 2024 the European Innovation Council and Small and Medium Enterprises Agency (EISMEA) funded project ECOMO ( organized a symposium titled “Carbon and Nitrogen Valorization: Sustainability in Focus”. The symposium was hosted by Dr. Hemlata Agarwala and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nicolas Plumeré from the Professorship of Electrobiotechnology (EBT).

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  • 16th Oct 2024 13:30 CEST

  • 18th Dec 2024 13:30 CET



TUM Campus Straubing
Petersgasse 5
D-94315 Straubing


Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber

Prof. Dr. Anja Faße

Managing Director:
Dr.-Ing. Norbert Fröhlich

Management Office

Margit Faltermeier

Phone: +49 (0) 9421 187-0

Program Management &
Student Advising

Phone: +49 (0) 9421 187-166



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