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TUMCS Sustainability Ride 2022

TUMCS Sustainability Ride 2022

The number of seats in the bus is limited to 50 participants. Therefore, registration is required. The principle first-come-first-served applies! The registration also includes the seats for the (German language) Presidential Event in the Audimax and the TUM Sustainability Symposium in Garching. A separate registration via the official portal for these events is not required!

Three days in the spirit of the bioeconomy

Three days in the spirit of the bioeconomy

Around 200 participants from all over the world learned about current developments in the bioeconomy at the three-day symposium “Key Technologies in the Bioeconomy – A Global Bioeconomy Alliance Conference” at the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) for Biotechnology and Sustainability at the end of September. The organisation of the conference under the slogan “KTB2022” was taken over by the TUMCS under the leadership of Rector Prof Volker Sieber and Prof Bastian Blombach.

Great evening with kids!

Great evening with kids!

In the frame of the European Climate Pact and the Bürgerstiftung Straubing, the Chair for Biogenic Functional Materials participated in the KinderUni Straubing initiative with a lecture about “How Nature produces its own light”.